Sciatic Massage Benefits Lacey Locals

Sciatic pain is a pain that travels from the lower back down either or both legs. It affects many people including those here in Lacey Olympia. Typically, sciatica normally forms when a bone spur or herniated disc applies pressure on the sciatic nerve. Muscles have also been known to impede on it, thus causing the patient the pain and discomfort.

Fortunately, we at Warwick Chiropractic & Massage in Lacey, can help. We have been helping patients with sciatic pain for a long time, and have several great massage techniques designed to get you relief from your pain. The video below details some of these techniques. You can see ahead of time what to expect and know how this treatment and massage can help you.

Moreover, included in the video are some techniques you can do at home to help you when we’re not open. There’s techniques you can do while laying down, standing up, and several stretches too.

These at home techniques will certainly help, but if you find you’re still in pain, give us a call on 360 951 4504 and book an appointment for us to provide you with a sciatic massage It will feel very relaxing and help you to destress, while allowing the positive chemicals in your body that get released during a massage to take over and help you.

Sciatica sufferers need to suffer no more, and can really benefit from one of our massages. See what other massage techniques we offer here.

So watch the video below and call us today.