by MassageLacey | Jan 22, 2019 | Massage
Sports massage therapy at Lacey based Warwick Massage in Washington. This therapy has great benefits for highly active people. For optimal results, a massage session immediately before and after the activity works best, but get in as you can. The therapy focuses on...
by MassageLacey | Jan 16, 2019 | Massage
A common thought pattern of pain management when you are in pain is to apply heat to the area. After all, it creates a soothing and relaxing feeling and it helps relax those muscles. But is it the best thing to do? Maybe not, explains Warwick Massage therapist Liz....
by MassageLacey | Jan 14, 2019 | Massage
Have you tried Thai massage? It’s wonderfully relaxing and really helps both the body and the spirit to relax and come together in a peaceful unity. Using yoga like stretches, this gentle technique is wonderful for relieving the daily stresses. Come in and try...
by MassageLacey | Jan 8, 2019 | Massage Techniques
Gua Sha is the ancient Chinese medicinal practice of scraping the skin to help increase blood flow and to remove toxins from the body. It is a very therapeutic form of massage and despite the red discoloration of the skin after the massage, it does not hurt and along...
by MassageLacey | Nov 19, 2018 | Massage Techniques
Cupping massage — also known as cupping, acupressure cupping, and cupping therapy — is an alternative therapy that has many benefits for massage clients. It can move/drain stagnant fluids, relieve inflammation, lift/stretch soft tissues, separate fused...